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So far Dr. Ronnie Bolar has created 95 blog entries.

Exercise Myths That Are Holding You Back

Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body and the soul. It boosts your mood, helps you be healthier, and keeps your body working as effectively as it can. It helps you maintain a healthy weight, avoid many common health issues, and reduce your likelihood of injury and sickness. But as more research is done and new techniques are explored, many of us have to alter our perspectives and ideas on what exercises are the most beneficial and how we approach our exercise regimen.

Myth #1: Short, Quick Workouts Are Just As Effective As Lengthy Ones

Some gym rats will spend hours in the gym each day, yet they barely break a sweat. Others will have a super intensive workout that only lasts 15 minutes. Whose method is best? Honestly, neither one is ideal. For exercise to be truly effective, you should aim for high intensity workouts that last at least 30 minutes, and they should happen at least 3 times per week. A vigorous workout will get your heart rate up, get you sweating, and leave you with all the feel-good benefits immediately after a workout. If pain is holding you back from working out, make an appointment with Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar to help manage your pain and improve your health and activity levels.

Myth #2: Cardio Workouts Are Better Than Strength Training

When you think about vigorous, high-intensity workouts, you probably think of doing cardio: running on the treadmill, climbing the stair master, or pumping away on the elliptical. While these are definitely beneficial for many reasons, they should actually be paired with strength training workouts for the most benefits. Strength training is more effective at producing lean muscle, which helps minimize body fat and burn more calories. […]

Healthy Children = Healthy Adults

As children grow, they tend to learn a lot by doing, whether that is a baby mimicking the sounds and movements she sees her parents do or a small child trying to run as fast as his older sibling. These activities are a great way for children to learn and grow, but as we well know, they can end up taking plenty of tumbles and falls along the way to discovering new things. Additionally, children tend to follow the paths of their parents in terms of lifestyle choices and overall health, so it’s important to start them early with making healthy choices and taking care of their bodies. Chiropractic care is a healthy, natural way to address your child’s growing bones and body to encourage and promote healing and growth, both during childhood and well into the future.

Chiropractic Care for Developing Brains

Children’s brains are continuously developing for many years, and as their brains develop, they send out communications through the nervous system, telling the body what muscles to move, what hormones to release, and more. The spine houses the spinal cord, which is where all these communications travel, and regular chiropractic care can help ensure these important lines of communication are open. When blood flow and nerves are functioning optimally, the brain is able to develop properly and complete its tasks effectively, promoting better concentration, growth, learning, and more.

A chiropractor working with children focuses on improving the brain-body connection and helping the nervous system develop and function to the best of its ability. Through gentle chiropractic care, the doctor aims to eliminate interference from the brain to the rest of the body. Dr. Ronnie in Lithia Springs is a pediatric chiropractor who loves to teach kids about how chiropractic works and to […]

Bursitis Relief from a Lithia Springs Chiropractor

Bursitis is diagnosed when the fluid-filled sacs around the joints are inflamed, causing pain in and around the joints. These sacs are called bursae, and they act as cushions for the bones, tendons, and muscles around each joint. When the joints are overworked or moved repetitively in the same way, inflammation of the bursae is often the result. While bursitis can occur at just about any joint in the body, it most commonly presents itself in the most regularly used joints, which include the knees, shoulders, hips, and elbows.

Repetitive use of a joint may be unavoidable, but the most effectively your body is functioning and the healthier you are, the less likely you are to experience bursitis. Your body needs proper blood flow and great communication between the brain and the rest of the body in order to alleviate bursitis or avoid it in the first place. Thankfully, a Lithia Springs chiropractor can help with those things.

Identifying Bursitis

So many people suffer from joint pain of various kinds, and it can be hard to differentiate between bursitis and other similar conditions. It’s important to know that bursitis is usually a short-term problem, and it rarely leads to serious damage or requires surgery. Arthritis is another joint condition, but it is caused by long-term wear and tear of the joints. Whereas bursitis is about inflammation of the bursae, arthritis is about the wearing down of cartilage, which is a more serious and long-lasting condition. Tendinitis is another condition that is commonly confused with bursitis. Tendinitis has to do with inflammation of the tendons, which is a soft tissue that connects muscles to bones.

It’s also important to know that bursitis usually affects those over 40, although people with certain jobs may suffer from […]

How to Find a Good Chiropractor in Lithia Springs

Chiropractors are all about reducing your pain, optimizing your health, and improving your quality of life. Whether you’re suffering from recurring neck pain, have a chronic condition that impacts your daily life, or simply want to be as healthy and thriving as possible, a Lithia Springs chiropractor can help. But just like add medical professionals and those in the service industry, not all chiropractors are alike. How do you know you’ve found a good chiropractor in Lithia Springs? Take a look at the best ways to ensure your doc is one of the good ones!

Look for a Focus on Education

All chiropractors undergo similar schooling, but how that education translates to practice varies. You want a chiropractor who is not only committed to their own education, but also yours. A good Lithia Springs chiropractor will teach you all about the science behind chiropractic, including how it works, why it works, and how it can help you. They’ll talk to you about your specific conditions or ailments and how chiropractic can improve your health and life. Dr. Ronnie Bolar and his staff at Vital Life Chiropractic in Lithia Springs will give you a tour of the office, an explanation of how the office works, and a thorough description of what you can expect while under chiropractic care.

Be Sure They Are More Concerned with Function Than Feeling

Everyone wants to feel great and not feel pain, but feeling good isn’t a trustworthy indicator of true health. You might feel awesome but have an underlying issue that is wreaking havoc on your health, totally unbeknownst to you. At the same time, you might be in extreme pain but the actual problem is quite minor. Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie wants you to feel good, but […]

Ergonomics in Today’s Unique Work Environments

If you’re like most people, the past few months have brought about many changes to your work environment. Many people across the country have been working from home for weeks, and many of us will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Whether you’re figuring out how to optimize your home office, are struggling to set up a productive workspace in your kitchen, or are still in the office on a daily or weekly basis, you should be paying attention to how helpful your work environment is when it comes to your productivity.

What Role Does Ergonomics Play?

Ergonomics is the study of an individual’s efficiency as it pertains to their working environment. It is about both the mental and physical efficiency you have based on your work setting. It includes how focused you feel in addition to how physically comfortable you are, as both work together to maximize your productivity and concentration. Ergonomics not only affects how much work you get done how quickly, but it’s also about you feel in your physical environment—are you uncomfortable, in pain, or overly distracted? If so, your work ergonomics need an overhaul. You may need to clean up your desk, clear the area around your workspace, or move your furniture into a different room or layout. You also may need a better chair, as your physical comfort is a big part of work productivity and efficiency.

Back Pain & Work Ergonomics

One of the biggest complaints of office workers is back pain. The next most common is neck pain. This makes sense since they’re sitting the majority of the day, often hunched over paperwork or a computer screen and keyboard. If you’ve been working from home, you may be experiencing even more pain and discomfort than normal. […]

Poor Sleep in Children: There Is Hope

Quality sleep is one of the main goals of every parent. Whether you have a newborn baby, a school-aged child, or teenagers, you know how important sleep is to health, growth, and overall happiness. You also know how difficult it can be for everyone in your household to get a good night’s rest, especially regularly.

A lot of different things can contribute to poor sleep in children. One is natural sleep disruptions, such as growth spurts, newborns needing to eat throughout the night, or being woken from bad dreams or loud noises in the house. These are pretty unavoidable in most cases, and they are typically singular events or at least temporary. But what about when children have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep for months or years on end?

Some kids never learn how to fall asleep on their own, so when they wake in the middle of the night, they struggle to fall back asleep without the help or comfort of a parent. Other children may stay up later than their bodies need to or they don’t take quality naps during the day, so they struggle to get adequate sleep they need and deal with the consequences on a daily basis.

The Trouble with a Lack of Sleep

Not only does a lack of sleep in children impact the mood of the child, but it can affect a lot more. Children who are exhausted may be grumpy, irritable, and angrier. They may also be more prone to temper tantrums or disrespectful behavior. They can also experience challenges with their development since their brains don’t have enough time to rest and repair during the night.

In addition, when kids don’t sleep, parents don’t sleep either. This can lead to a stressful environment in the home […]

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Our bodies are primarily composed of water, and we are in a constant state of losing and replenishing this water. As we sweat, drink alcohol, cry, and use the restroom throughout the day, we are losing water each time. This means it’s important that we are replenishing that water supply throughout the day. Without this balance, we can experience dehydration and resulting health issues. Drinking water is important not only to prevent dehydration, but also to proactively increase health. Keeping up with your water intake combined with regular visits to a Lithia Springs chiropractor can help you prevent potential health issues before they begin. Read on to learn some of the benefits you can see from drinking more water.

Prevent Fatigue

While fatigue can certainly be caused by a lack of sleep, not drinking enough water can also lead to this feeling of being constantly tired. Water fuels the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body, and when there is a lack of hydration, the heart has to work harder to accomplish this. As a result, the organs also must work harder to function properly. All of this extra effort can lead you to feel more tired than usual.

Remove Toxins

Over time, the body builds up toxins based on environmental factors. This includes what we eat and drink, as well as the things we touch and the air we breathe. Toxins can build up even faster if our spine is misaligned. Getting adjusted by Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Bolar can release these toxins. But after being released, the toxins need to be eliminated from the body, which is where water becomes even more important. Water helps to flush out toxins in the body throughout the day. And as a bonus, water keeps […]

Chiropractic Care Aids Brain Development

When we think about our health and the ways we maintain it, most things we think about will be related to our physical well being. We may think of illnesses like colds, injuries to the back or legs, and broken bones. These are all important components of our health, but what many people don’t realize is that these are all tied to interconnected systems inside the body. Both the brain and the spinal cord work together to regulate the rest of the body. This means that what you may see as a minor injury or illness is rooted in issues of the brain, the spinal cord, and their communication. For the brain to develop properly and maintain health, proper care of the spine is also important. Visiting a Lithia Springs chiropractor can be a step towards optimal brain development.

How the Brain Develops

A child’s brain begins developing before they are even born and doesn’t stop developing throughout their life. The brain develops from right to left, and the majority of this growth happens in the first 3 years of life. The right brain controls emotions, processing, and moral choices and is the first part of the brain to develop. Then between the ages of three and six, the left brain begins to form reasoning, problem solving, and language abilities. While these functions develop, it is imperative for the body and brain to communicate well. The brain controls all systems in the body, including the central nervous system, which is tasked with transmitting messages from the brain to various nerves and body systems. Because of the spine and brain’s connection, a misalignment in the spine could lead to developmental delays and cause long-term issues. By adjusting the spine, a chiropractor like Dr. […]

4 Reasons to Drink More Water

As our bodies are made up of mostly water, it stands to reason that drinking water is an important component of staying healthy. Various routine practices can cause us to lose water from our system, including sweating, crying, using the restroom, dieting, and drinking alcohol. This is why it’s necessary to drink plentiful amounts of water throughout the day and replenish this lost resource. In addition to rehydrating the body, water also has a number of health benefits. Being proactive about your health can help prevent future issues and make sure you are functioning well every day, and you can take proactive steps by being under regular chiropractic care as well as drinking more water. In addition to the benefits you’ll receive from regular care at a Lithia Spring chiropractor, below are some of the ways drinking more water will improve your wellbeing.

Prevent Fatigue

Fatigue, or feeling extremely tired to the point of lethargy, can often be one of the first symptoms of dehydration. In order to keep blood pumping through the body, the heart needs water, and when it lacks water, it has to work even harder. Organs also have to work harder to perform their daily functions when the body enters dehydration. Getting plenty of rest and drinking adequate amounts of water can stave off fatigue and help you feel more energized.

Reduce Muscle Cramps

When the muscles are not getting enough water, they can become tight, causing painful cramping. This may occur when you are resting or moving. If you’ve ever experienced this phenomenon, it can range from annoying to excruciating and prevent you from completing daily activities. Drinking enough water prevents your muscles from cramping and will keep you active and without muscle pain.


As we eat, drink, and […]

Chiropractic Care and Tech Neck

In today’s world, we are on our phones constantly, and if we aren’t on our phone, we are likely looking at a computer, tablet, television, or smart watch. It’s impossible to list the ways in which technology has improved and simplified many areas of life, but that doesn’t come without problems. Our bodies were not built to be bent over, looking down, and straining in the way that they do to accommodate the constant use of this technology. While this is not something most people think about, the health concerns brought about by these postures are so common that they have been coined “tech neck” by experts, though some prefer to call it “text neck.” While tech neck is a relatively new concern to match new technology, chiropractic care has been around for a long time, and visiting Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar can help alleviate this modern problem.

Do I Have Tech Neck?

Tech neck is caused primarily by the straining of our necks, specially straining forward past the shoulders, beyond where they naturally fall. This can lead to pain or discomfort in the back, neck, or shoulders. It’s no wonder this can cause annoyance as every inch our neck stretches past our shoulders, an extra 10 pounds of pressure is added! In addition to pain, this leaning can also lead to stiffness, tenderness, headaches, or even tingling in the arms. Some of these symptoms can also indicate poor posture, where the head is not fully supported by the neck. These two problems often occur together and are interrelated. If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be time to visit Vital Life Chiropractic to see how chiropractic care can help reduce your pain.

Chiropractic Care for Tech Neck

The […]

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