Chiropractic Care and Tech Neck

In today’s world, we are on our phones constantly, and if we aren’t on our phone, we are likely looking at a computer, tablet, television, or smart watch. It’s impossible to list the ways in which technology has improved and simplified many areas of life, but that doesn’t come without problems. Our bodies were not built to be bent over, looking down, and straining in the way that they do to accommodate the constant use of this technology. While this is not something most people think about, the health concerns brought about by these postures are so common that they have been coined “tech neck” by experts, though some prefer to call it “text neck.” While tech neck is a relatively new concern to match new technology, chiropractic care has been around for a long time, and visiting Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar can help alleviate this modern problem.

Do I Have Tech Neck?

Tech neck is caused primarily by the straining of our necks, specially straining forward past the shoulders, beyond where they naturally fall. This can lead to pain or discomfort in the back, neck, or shoulders. It’s no wonder this can cause annoyance as every inch our neck stretches past our shoulders, an extra 10 pounds of pressure is added! In addition to pain, this leaning can also lead to stiffness, tenderness, headaches, or even tingling in the arms. Some of these symptoms can also indicate poor posture, where the head is not fully supported by the neck. These two problems often occur together and are interrelated. If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be time to visit Vital Life Chiropractic to see how chiropractic care can help reduce your pain.

Chiropractic Care for Tech Neck

The […]

Suffering from TMJ? Chiropractic Care Can Help!

For many people, back or neck pain are clear indicators that it’s time to visit the chiropractor. But there are other types of pain that can be addressed by your local Lithia Springs chiropractor. Those suffering from TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, know that the chronic disorder can cause pain, swelling, and clicking sounds near the jaw. An estimated 10 million people report TMJ in America, and those sufferers know that it can be painful and frustrating to deal with. Because TMJ is rooted in joints and the musculoskeletal system, Dr. Ronnie Bolar and the staff at Vital Life Chiropractic may be able to bring relief from the symptoms of TMJ.

What Is TMJ?

TMJ manifests itself in most people with symptoms such as swelling, nerve pain, and a clicking sound when moving the jaw. Others report pain while chewing, grinding teeth, and headaches as symptoms of TMJ. This is because the disorder affects the jaw muscles and connected nerves. Not much is known about the cause of TMJ, but some believe it can be partially due to poor posture or a misalignment of teeth. Stress can often exacerbate the symptoms as it causes tension and subsequent clenching of teeth. Most people with TMJ use over-the-counter medication to find relief from symptoms, but this is short-term and does not address the root causes of TMJ in the same ways as chiropractic care. Dr. Ronnie Bolar knows that treating the root cause is always the best way to find long-term relief.

Chiropractic Care for TMJ

Because TMJ is rooted in the jaw, chiropractic adjustments can relieve tension. Simply relaxing the muscles near the jaw can correct TMJ and allow normal jaw function to resume. But in some cases, the root cause of TMJ […]

Chiropractic Care for Managing Glaucoma

Serious vision problems can lead to blindness, and one of these serious eye conditions is called glaucoma.  Glaucoma is a condition that attacks the optic nerve.  There isn’t much known about what causes glaucoma, but it is related to fluid pressure build-up in the eye.  Our eyes are constantly filling up and being drained of fluid to keep the eye tissue healthy.   If the eyes can’t drain properly and the fluid continues to build up, that is when the problems with pressure develop. When increased pressure build-up reaches a high level, it causes damage to the optic nerve. The fluid and pressure in the eye doesn’t allow the optic nerve to take the light we see and turn it into images, causing vision problems to occur.

Who Is Affected by Glaucoma?

Glaucoma can affect people of any age, including men, women and children.  No one is exempt at any time. People with high blood pressure are more prone to developing glaucoma as a side effect of higher blood pressure. The problem with glaucoma is that by the time symptoms have appeared, the pressure build-up in the eye has already done some damage to the optic nerve, which is almost always irreversible.  The key is to prevent eye damage before it starts.  Research has shown that chiropractic care can have a significant impact on vision.  Regular adjustments from a Lithia Springs chiropractor can prevent glaucoma as well as improve vision after the onset of this disease.

Chiropractic Care and Glaucoma

How exactly is it that adjustments of the spine can affect the eyes?  The answer lies in the nerves.  The central nervous system, composed of the brain and spinal cord, is essential to how our bodies function.  The optic nerve communicates with the brain to tell […]

How Can Chiropractic Decrease the Risk of Falls for the Elderly?

One of the biggest risks of injury as we enter our golden years is falling.  After the age of 65, the risk of falling rises significantly. In fact, 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 experience a fall each year and about 25% of them experience serious injuries due to a fall.  The statistics related to older adults falling can be scary in and of themselves.  Not only does the older population have to worry about serious injuries, surgeries, and hospital stays from falling, but they also experience a psychological fear of falling because of an increased awareness of the risks. But the fear of falling doesn’t have to consume you. An experienced Lithia Springs chiropractor can give the elderly back their confidence in their ability to function well and avoid falls through regular chiropractic care.

What Contributes to Increased Falls as We Age?

As we get older, our bodies experience significant wear and tear. The musculoskeletal system may not function as it once did.  The elderly population also deal other types of pain that can affect their ability to walk and get around easily. Additionally, poor spinal alignment can also lead to balance problems that causes unsteadiness when moving or standing. Vertigo is another issue that many elderly people face. Problems with the inner ear can cause dizziness that can lead to a higher risk of falling. Over time, aging causes muscles to atrophy and blood flow to decrease. Weakened muscles can decrease function, causing stiffness and making walking difficult. Any number or combination of these health concerns will only increase a person’s chances of falling and therefore increase the risk of injury. Thankfully, regular chiropractic care from a Lithia Springs chiropractor can address all these concerns to […]

Chiropractic Care Can Help with PCOS

Approximately every 1 out of 10 women suffer from PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  For some women, PCOS can begin around the time of puberty but may not be diagnosed until adulthood, more specifically around childbearing age.  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can cause a hormonal imbalance that not only causes problems with metabolism rates, but also affects many other aspects of your health.  Not every woman experiences the same symptoms, but in general, symptoms of PCOS can include mood changes, headaches, fatigue, weight gain, infertility, or sleep problems.  Whatever symptoms you experience, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can have a major impact on your health and your quality of life.  But there is hope!  Many women have found hope and healing through chiropractic care from Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar, and you can too.

What Causes PCOS?

PCOS may be a genetic disorder that is inherited, but it can be also caused by higher than normal levels of androgens, also known as “male” hormones.  This high level of androgen can lead to baldness or facial hair, common male-like traits.  Another cause of PCOS could be high insulin levels.  High insulin levels lead to high blood sugar levels.  It could be these high levels of insulin that result in poor nutrition habits and weight gain.  In addition to typical symptoms of this syndrome, PCOS can also cause a slew of other health problems.  One of the most notable concerns for women is infertility.  The reproductive organs don’t function like they should and women struggle with regular ovulation, making it harder to conceive.  Other health issues associated with PCOS can include anxiety, depression, sleep apnea, and poor cholesterol.  While monitoring eating habits, exercising regularly, or taking vitamins and supplements can decrease symptoms of PCOS, they may […]

Whiplash Pain? Seek Chiropractic Care for Relief

Have you been in a car crash?  Are you now experiencing neck or back pain?  You are most likely experiencing whiplash pain as a result of the accident.  No matter how small or minor your car accident may have been, if there is damage to the car, there is damage to your body. Whiplash can also occur from other issues such as banging or shaking your head too much.  Symptoms of whiplash can be quite painful, to the point that you can’t carry out daily tasks because you can’t turn your head from side to side.  Before the pain worsens, seek chiropractic care from a Lithia Springs chiropractor for whiplash relief after a car accident or other injury.

Signs and Symptoms of Whiplash

The impact of a rear end car crash forces the head and neck forward and then violently slams them backward.  This forceful motion can cause significant damage to the musculoskeletal system.  You may not notice any pain or problems at first, but after a day or two, you will often experience muscle stiffness, headaches, limited range of motion of the neck, back pain, numbness, and even dizziness.  If not addressed, symptoms of whiplash can worsen, possibly even leading to chronic pain.  To relieve the pain, your first instinct is probably to reach for medication.  But medication only acts as a band aid, covering up the pain until the medicine wears off and symptoms return.  For long-term relief, turn to Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar.

Address the Root Cause of Whiplash Pain

Because whiplash affects the musculoskeletal system, it makes sense to visit a Lithia Spring chiropractor that focuses on the musculoskeletal system to improve your overall health.  Impacts or injuries can lead to spinal misalignments that cause dysfunction throughout the body, […]

Reduce Sinus Problems and Inflammation with Chiropractic

There’s no doubt about the fact that sinus inflammation and pressure is extremely painful, so much so that it can affect how you live your daily life.  Sinus problems can be so frustrating that they may have you immediately reaching for medication to relieve the pain.  But medication may not always be the best option.  Medication is only a short-term solution to sinus problems as the issues always return, often with a vengeance, after medication wears off.  Not only that, but medications can also have harmful side effects that can cause a slew of other problems, in addition to more sinus pain and pressure.  When sinus problems have you reaching for medication, consider another option.  Chiropractic care from a Lithia Springs chiropractor will not only relieve sinus problems and alleviate pressure long term, but it can also offer many other amazing benefits for improving overall health.

Improve Immunity to Improve Health

Frequently, inflammation can be responsible for a lot of the sinus problems we experience.  Increasing the function of the immune system can improve our overall health to bring about relief.  But how exactly can we better the immune system?  The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system, which is responsible for communicating with other systems in the body.  Spinal misalignments can cause nerve interference that disrupts communication to other parts of the body such as the immune system, causing it work at less than its best. Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar can perform gentle adjustments to remove spinal misalignments, increase immunity, and reduce inflammation within the body to bring about sinus pain relief.

Chiropractic Care Reduces Inflammation

Sinus problems are usually a result of inflammation within the lining of the sinus cavities.  Chronic colds or persistent allergies may be what brings […]

Chiropractic Care and Exercise for Healthy Living

One of the most important things we can do for a healthy lifestyle is take care of our bodies.  Eating right, getting enough sleep at night, and giving our bodies time to relax each week is essential to staying healthy.  It is also important to stay active and exercise.  But did you know that chiropractic care is also an important part of taking care of ourselves?  Plenty of exercise along with chiropractic care from a Lithia Springs chiropractor can lead to an overall healthier lifestyle so you can feel your absolute best.

4 Types of Exercise

There are four basic types of exercise that we need to stay in tip-top shape.  Endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility are all equally important types of exercises. Some people tend to gravitate towards just one or two types of exercise, but you can experience more health benefits by doing them all.  Endurance is aerobic exercise that aims to increase your heart rate.  This type of exercise is important for keeping the heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system healthy.  Endurance is what can make it easier to complete everyday tasks such as yard work, brisk walking, or going up and down stairs.  Strength exercises are designed to make muscles stronger.  Lifting weights, doing pushups or pull ups with your own body weight, or utilizing resistance bands can build strength.  Strength is what allows you to carry in heavy groceries, move heavy objects, or do some heavy lifting around the house.  Balance is a type of exercise that may often get overlooked but is just as important, especially as we age.  Having proper balance can prevent falls as we get older.  Balance exercises may include standing on one foot or doing tai chi.  The last type of exercise is flexibility […]

Can Chiropractic Improve Symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Dementia?

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease of the brain that affects mostly the elderly, although there are cases of Alzheimer’s disease occurring in some younger individuals as well.  While this disease is becoming more and more common, we still don’t know the cause.  It may be genetic or it may be linked to our environment, but either way, the problem lies within the brain.  When your loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia of any kind, your first thought is likely about getting them the necessary care to manage the symptoms.  What you may not know is that a Lithia Springs chiropractor could slow down the progression of the disease and prove to be beneficial for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.  It is important to consider all options for the very best results for those suffering from Alzheimer’s, and that includes chiropractic care.

Lifestyle Choices Matter

As we age, most people assume that our memories suffer.  But contrary to popular belief, our brains and memory should actually become better with age.  Dementia and Alzheimer’s have been linked to lifestyle choices that may affect the health of our bodies and our brain.  The choices we make, such as the foods we eat, the amount of exercise we get, and the levels of stress we experience, could all be linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.  A healthy mindset is important to a healthy lifestyle.  Research shows that being fearful of getting Alzheimer’s as you age can increase your chances of getting it by 68%!  Thus, it is necessary that we take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally in order to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar focuses on whole body health through chiropractic care that can increase […]

How Does Chiropractic Care Improve Posture?

You may not often think about whether or not you are sitting or standing upright throughout the day, but the fact of the matter is that proper posture is important to good health, as well as to your quality of life.  It could be that poor posture is the source of your aches and pains.  Try as we may to improve how we stand, walk, or sit, it can sometimes be out of our control.  Thankfully, a Lithia Springs chiropractor can assess your posture and even correct it with chiropractic adjustments, which can ease pain and bring about relief to a myriad of health concerns and ailments.

Posture and Your Health

If you sit in an office chair all day, then you can attest to how terrible your body feels after slouching forward and staring at a computer day in and day out.  Without proper posture, muscles can tighten and tense, leading to pain in the neck or back.  In fact, one common problem nowadays among office workers is called “tech neck.”  Tech neck occurs when the neck becomes strained from looking forward or down at computers, tablets, phones, and other types or technology all day.  This position puts strain and pressure on the neck because the head isn’t being fully supported by the spine.  As a result, tech neck can cause headaches, neck or shoulder pain, and even tingling in upper extremities.  If your job has affected your posture and you are beginning to feel the effects, Dr. Ronnie Bolar, a Lithia Springs chiropractor, can help.

Spinal Health and Proper Posture Improve Quality of Life

Poor posture can and will affect our spinal health.  Spinal misalignments will not only cause strain and tension on muscles, but they can also lead to dysfunction within the body.  […]

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