Finding Stress Relief through Chiropractic Care

Everybody deals with stress. It’s just a normal part of life. However, some people experience different intensities, frequencies, and types of stress than other people. Trying to escape from it completely is an uphill battle because it’s not possible to completely alleviate all stress and associated symptoms.

But you can, however, find stress relief and alleviate some of the symptoms, reduce the intensity, diminish the frequency, and otherwise increase your tolerance of stress. One solution that is often overlooked is chiropractic care. Whether you’re dealing with a lot of stress or a little, chiropractic care may surprise you with the relief that it can bring.

How Stress Shows Up

Stress can show up in a variety of different ways and from many different sources or causes. It is a type of mechanism that kicks into motion when it’s dealing with something that is uncomfortable or unwanted. In other words, it is an indicator from our body and nervous system that the body needs some kind of change.

When we experience stress, the body releases cortisol, and whatever doesn’t get alleviated or dealt with continues to cause the body to produce cortisol. Cortisol in small amounts on an occasional basis can be a good thing, but if the body is left to continue producing cortisol, it can weaken the immune system and bring about a myriad of other issues.

Stress can show up as a result of situations outside of our control (such as related to our jobs, the weather, regional incidents, political situations, etc.) as well as resulting from our own inner thoughts and how we treat ourselves. The way we eat, exercise, thoughts we have of ourselves, and actions we take (or don’t take) can all impact the level of stress we are experiencing.

Using Chiropractic Care to Relieve […]

Chiropractic Care: Non-Invasive Relief for GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD as it’s known by most, is a condition that many people suffer from. If you have GERD, you are constantly worrying about whether or not certain foods will affect you more than others, how well you’ll be able to stay asleep at night, where the closest restroom is, and other unpleasant symptoms.

What if there was a non-invasive method to get relief from GERD that gets closer to the root cause, rather than using medication that acts only as a temporary solution? Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar from Vital Life Chiropractic specializes in helping his practice members find relief for a wide variety of conditions through principled, neurologically-based chiropractic care.

Common Solutions for GERD Relief

Working outside of a chiropractic environment, it’s quite common to receive a lot of medical advice and suggestions from doctors, including but not limited to diet change, exercise change, avoiding specific types of food (fried and fatty foods), eliminating caffeine and alcohol, and more. These lifestyle changes are often beneficial, but they may not be a permanent solution to GERD symptoms.

It’s even possible to be prescribed specific medications (or even surgery!) to reduce the symptoms you’re experiencing with GERD. One case study shows that some medication prescribed by doctors can actually have negative side-effects to the esophageal sphincter, making GERD worse and bringing about other possible issues. In some cases, these types of medication and surgeries are necessary, but not every case of GERD calls for them.

Chiropractic Care as a Natural, Safe, Non-Invasive Form of GERD Relief

At Vital Life Chiropractic, Dr. Ronnie Bolar works hard as a Lithia Springs chiropractor to provide non-invasive pain management solutions for a variety of conditions. Chiropractic care often gets overlooked as a form of wellness and […]

If You Experience Numbness or Tingling, Chiropractic Can Help


A pins and needles sensation in your extremities can be very annoying and uncomfortable.  Because numbness and tingling can be associated with other health concerns as well, it can also bring about stress and anxiety.  However, numbness and tingling doesn’t have to be something you simply live with day to day.  In order to rule out major health concerns, you must first determine the root cause of the sensation.  Most of the time, tingling or numbness in the extremities isn’t as serious as you think.  In fact, the cause often lies within the spine.  If this is the case, a Lithia Springs chiropractor can address the issue at hand to reduce or completely get rid of these uncomfortable sensations.

What Can Cause Numbness and Tingling?

For your peace of mind and overall comfort and quality of life, it is important that you find the cause of your numbness and tingling.  Some serious causes may be diabetes, multiple sclerosis, a seizure disorder, or a stroke.  However, most of the time, these sensations in your arms and legs can be the cause of something a little less serious, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or migraines.  A pinched nerve can also be the culprit.  When blood flow is restricted due to a pinched nerve, you may experience an uncomfortable tingling or numb sensation in your arms, legs, hands, or fingers.

Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Numbness and Tingling

Chiropractic care specifically addresses the health of the central nervous system, including nerve function.  Because numbness and tingling is so often associated with nerve issues, it makes sense to turn to a Lithia Springs chiropractor if you’re dealing with these frustrating sensations.  Misalignments of the spine can be the cause of a variety of health issues, including migraines, pinched nerves, or […]

Chiropractic Care for Plantar Fasciitis

A leading cause of pain in the heel can be attributed to plantar fasciitis.  This painful condition of the plantar fascia, the ligament in the bottom of your foot, is caused by small tears in the ligament.  If not addressed, these small tears can turn into larger tears, causing more pain and more problems.  You may not realize that chiropractic care can be a solution for plantar fasciitis pain.  Many Americans suffer from plantar fasciitis symptoms and many have found relief with chiropractic care.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

There are many things that can cause plantar fasciitis.  Too much improper form during exercise, suffering a fall, or injuring yourself can cause damage to the plantar fascia that leads to plantar fasciitis.  Something as simple as wearing the wrong type of shoes on your feet, standing on your feet all day on a regular basis, or even other previous health conditions such as arthritis can cause plantar fasciitis.  Once they begin, the symptoms can become painful and annoying fairly fast. It can be so painful that it even affects how you walk.  Changing how you walk in an attempt to avoid plantar fasciitis pain can also be harmful to your body and overall health.

What Can Chiropractic Do for Plantar Fasciitis?

There are many benefits of chiropractic care for relieving plantar fasciitis pain, and Dr. Ronnie Bolar can help those suffering from this condition.  For many, plantar fasciitis is due to stress on the plantar fascia tissue, which causes the tears initially.  Addressing the stress on this ligament can help it heal and reduce inflammation.  Chiropractic care from Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Bolar will reduce the stress on ligaments and muscles to offer relief.  Additionally, the change in your gait because of plantar fasciitis pain often […]

Increase Your Productivity and Decrease Your Sick Days with Chiropractic Care

For business owners, productivity plays an important role in the work atmosphere and overall business success.  The more productive your employees are, the more benefits your company experiences.  But sicknesses during the cold winter months often affect the productivity of employees at work.  Employees either take sick days because they aren’t feeling well or come to work feeling under the weather to avoid taking sick days.  As an employer, you’ve likely thought about how you can decrease the amount of sick days employees take while also increasing productivity in the office.  The answer may surprise you… chiropractic care!

Chiropractic Wellness Plans

Chiropractic care is associated with alleviating back and neck pain, but it does so much more than just that.  In fact, it has been shown to boost the immune system so that our bodies can fight off sickness quicker or even before illnesses fully manifests themselves.  Even the best employees sometimes suffer from the flu, the common cold, or even high blood pressure.  These health concerns are linked to spinal misalignments.  Misalignments cause nerve interference and disruption that leads to dysfunction and illness. Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar can adjust the spine to remove misalignments and restore proper nerve communication once again.  When the body is in proper alignment and is able to fight off illnesses, employees take less time off work and are more focused when they come to work.  Chiropractic wellness plans for businesses can be a beneficial option for improving work and productivity among employees.  When you consider the cost of health plans and doctor visits, the cost of a chiropractic wellness plan to keep employees at optimal levels of health is well worth the expense, and it will save you money in the long run.  Not […]

Chiropractic Care Gives You True Correction – Not Just Temporary Relief


Step 3 - consultationVisits to the chiropractor for back and neck pain are common.  Once you have found relief from pain, you may wish to no longer schedule chiropractic appointments.  But principled chiropractors, like Dr. Ronnie at Vital Life Chiropractic, know that time and repetition with consistent chiropractic care will benefit you and your health both now and well into the future. Chiropractic care is more than just a quick fix. Pain or injury may come about at any time due to spinal misalignments, but the actual misalignment and function problem didn’t arise overnight. It has taken years for your body to get to where it is, and it won’t be corrected immediately with just one chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic adjustments are more than just a health fad that boasts quick yet temporary relief.  Chiropractic care focuses on the central nervous system and the spine and aims to restore proper spinal health over time, leading to more effective function of the central nervous system and the rest of the body. The long-term effects of chiropractic care bring about real restoration to your body functions and true correction of any issues or problems. It will provide relief from multiple ailments and most pains, but it is a long-term and permanent solution rather than a quick fix and short, temporary relief. At Vital Life Chiropractic, Dr. Ronnie Bolar recognizes your desire to live a happy, healthy lifestyle. With the long-term benefits of chiropractic care, you can do just that.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

In our society today, we react to sickness or disease instead of taking the steps necessary to stay proactive and prevent sickness and disease from even beginning. We get sick and then go see a doctor for medication that will ease the symptoms.  […]

The Effects of Childbirth on Both Mom and Baby

For most women, pregnancy and childbirth are not like they portray it in the movies.  In the end, there is the peaceful moment of holding your newborn child, but there’s a lot more that goes on in between that first positive test and that magical moment of meeting your newborn.  From experiencing the pain of labor to withstanding the exhaustion of childbirth, there is a lot more to birthing a baby than breathing exercises.  There’s nothing quite like the miracle of childbirth, but there is a lot of healing that needs to happen after.  It can take time for the soreness to go away or for moms to get the hang of breastfeeding.  During birth, there can also be trauma to the spine and surrounding ligaments, tendons, and muscles that will need time to heal.  Childbirth can affect the mom in many ways, but did you know that the baby goes through a traumatic experience as well?  No matter what kind of birth experience you had, some form of birth trauma occurred.  Addressing the effects of childbirth on both moms and babies can be essential to the short-term and long-term health of both mother and child.

Childbirth Takes a Toll on Mom

Growing a baby inside of you is sure to take a toll on your body.  An expanding uterus and increased weight gain put pressure on the spinal column.  Additionally, as the body prepares for the birthing process, ligaments loosen to allow for the flexibility needed to give birth.  To combat these changes, the spine actually takes on an increased lordosis, or inward curvature of the spine.  This balances out the weight of the growing baby inside your belly.  After giving birth to your baby, it can take time for […]

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Concussions

Head trauma, such as concussions, can happen to anyone: men, women, and children alike.  Concussions are defined as an injury to the head from either an impact or violent shaking back and forth, often including temporary unconsciousness.  Most concussions are caused by sports injuries, car accidents, or falls.  It may surprise you to know that visits to a Lithia Springs chiropractor can be beneficial during the healing process after a concussion injury.

Look For These Signs of a Concussion

If you have suffered from an accident, injury, or fall, is important that you know the signs of a concussion so you can seek medical care when necessary.  Severe concussions, such as a hard hit during a sports game, can bring about extreme dizziness, confusion, or loss of consciousness.  However, not every concussion is severe or presents with such extreme symptoms.  Any concussion is still a concern, no matter how severe or small.  Other signs of a possible concussion could include unequal pupils, a delayed reaction time, drowsiness, blurred vision, headaches, nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound.

If at any point, you recognize these symptoms in someone who just suffered an accident or fall, be sure to seek medical attention.  Some symptoms may present themselves right away while others could show up later.  To be safe, consult a doctor, even if you suspect only a mild concussion.  Thankfully, one concussion won’t cause severe damage to the brain, but multiple concussions can lead to long-term problems. No matter how minor or severe a head trauma seems, concussions are very serious and should still be taken seriously as they can affect your health and require time to heal.  When it comes to healing, know that Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar can help.

Chiropractic Can Aid […]

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Mental Health

Millions of Americans are affected by mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.  While mental health problems can range from mild to severe, it is important that treatment is available to all who suffer.  Sadly, approximately 11 million Americans don’t get the help they need to treat mental health conditions, which leads to increased instances of self-harm, destructive behaviors, and even suicide.  Mental Health Week is this week—October 7-13, and it seeks to bring attention to issues such as depression and anxiety. The goal is to not only decrease the harmful results of mental health problems, but also to rid our nation of the negative and shameful stigmas surrounding mental illnesses.  Mental illness truly is an illness just like any other.  We wouldn’t dream of shaming those with cancer into feeling bad about themselves, and the same rings true for mental illnesses.  This week focuses on helping others know they are not alone and guiding and encouraging them to find the help they need.  Unbeknownst to many, chiropractic care is a safe and effective option for improving mental health.

How Can Chiropractic Improve Mental Health?

Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar is an expert in neurologically-based chiropractic care which focuses on the whole body as it relates to the nervous system, and more specifically, spinal health.  Dr. Bolar examines the spine and searches for misalignments, or spinal vertebrae that have twisted, turned, or shifted out of place.  A gentle adjustment will correct these misalignments and improve spinal health. But how does this relate to mental health?

Spinal misalignments can cause nerve interference, which distorts communication throughout the body.  Because the central nervous system runs throughout the entire body, one out-of-place vertebra can lead to trouble elsewhere.  While the exact cause of […]

Chiropractic Positively Impacts Those with ADD & ADHD

With ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) affecting nearly 6 million children and countless adults across the country, more and more research has been done in an effort to understand these two related disorders.  Because of their far-reaching impacts, ADD and ADHD are the most prevalent pediatric disorders.  But how do you know if your child is truly suffering from ADD or ADHD and how do you know what can you do to help them?  Sadly, many children are being wrongfully diagnosed, as over-diagnosis has become a big problem. But when unwanted and unexplainable behaviors occur, parents want answers and results.  Sometimes they find these answers from doctors who are quick to prescribe medication before digging deeper to treat the root cause of these behaviors.  Prescription medications aren’t always the answer. Overmedicating children can often cause problems later in life as these children become overmedicated adults, only leading to bigger and more significant concerns.  Before turning to medication that can cause serious side effects, seek a natural and safe method for ADD and ADHD management from a Lithia Springs pediatric chiropractor.

What Impact Can ADD & ADHD Have on a Child?

Some people may not think an ADD or ADHD diagnosis is a big deal and won’t impact their children significantly. However, these disorders are caused by neurotransmitter imbalances that affect the messages sent to the brain.  This results in the behaviors seen with ADD and ADHD, such as a lack of concentration or an inability to sit still or control impulses.  When not managed properly, ADD and ADHD can become an even bigger concern into adulthood, as both disorders have been associated with mood swings, substance abuse, and feelings of anxiety and depression.  As you can see, an […]

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