Can chiropractic help me get through flu season?
It’s that time of the year again! The flu is working it’s way through schools and workplaces, and if you’ve ever had the displeasure of getting it, you know that it can force just about anyone into bedrest!
As we near the peak of this season, many people are wondering whether they’re doing everything they can to prevent or mitigate the effects of the flu for themselves or their loved ones. In particular, our practice members will often observe that many of their family members or friends are getting sick, but they themselves remain healthy or feel minimal symptoms when they are sick. Seeing this, they ask whether chiropractic has a role in supporting a healthy immune system and this is exactly what we’ll be discussing today!
The immune system has direct innervation from the nervous system
No system in our body works in isolation. At all times, the nervous system is actively transmitting messages to and from all of the organs and tissues in our body with the goal of maintaining balance in our constantly-changing internal environment. For example, the goal of respiration is to balance the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in our blood, and we’re able to do this because our nervous system has chemical receptors that detect and respond to changes in these two substances. Our nervous system also has stretch receptors that detect and respond when certain organs are overly distended, such as a bladder that needs voiding. The bottom line is that the only reason we’re able to maintain balance in our body is because our nervous system is able to quickly and effectively communicate messages from different organs so that an appropriate bodily response can be executed.
When it comes to having constant vigilance and regulation by the nervous system, the immune system is no […]