Chiropractic Research2019-08-20T14:49:17+00:00

Chiropractic Research

Read the latest news and research on how chiropractic care can benefit you and your family!

Why Does Leg Length Discrepancy Matter?

You may have been told before that one of your legs is shorter than the other, or you may have hip, knee, or ankle pain that has been linked to differing leg lengths. While short leg syndrome is sometimes diagnosed by medical doctors, chiropractors have a different take on leg length—and it could completely change your life. Why Do Chiropractors Look at Leg Length? If you’ve visited Dr. Ronnie at Vital Life Chiropractic, you know that he checks your leg length at the start of any adjustment assessment. Science has told us that whenever a person has a misalignment anywhere in their spine, their legs will be different lengths. It may only be a miniscule amount or difference, but principled chiropractors are trained and experienced in noticing even the smallest discrepancy in leg length. So when Dr. Ronnie checks your leg length and then has you turn your head and checks it again, he’s determining where the misalignment is so that he can adjust you appropriately. Why Does It Matter? Leg length matters a great deal, especially when it comes to spinal alignment and overall health. We know that the health of your spine is directly related to the overall [...]

Chiropractic Care and Your Vision

Back and neck pain are the most common reasons for a visit to a chiropractor.  But did you know that chiropractic care is beneficial for much more than just back pain?  While your first thought for vision problems would most likely be to schedule a visit to the optometrist, it could be in your best interest to also visit a Lithia Springs chiropractor as well. Types of Vision Problems Our eyes are complex and there are many factors to consider when something is wrong with our eyesight. Glaucoma, a disease that affects the optic nerve, is one major cause of vision loss. Eye pressure from lack of fluid drainage could put pressure on the optic nerve, leading to vision problems. Other health problems can also affect vision.  For instance, diabetes has been known to cause vision loss as one of the symptoms of the disease. The Central Nervous System Is Key The primary focus of Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar is to ensure overall function of the central nervous system.  A healthy nervous system will be able to control and coordinate the other body systems properly, and this includes the eyes and your vision.  The optic nerve is directly [...]

Alleviate IBS with Chiropractic Care

You may feel alone in your Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, but it is actually a common occurrence among Americans today.  In fact, around 55 million people suffer from IBS. This digestive problem can be both painful and frustrating, often times affecting your daily life. While many turn to medication to find relief, medication isn’t a permanent solution. In fact, medication is only masking the symptoms of IBS, not treating the root cause. When taking medication, you are also at risk of experiencing harmful side effects that further add to the unpleasantness of IBS and can bring about additional health concerns. Thankfully, medication isn’t the only option for managing IBS symptoms.  Chiropractic care from a Lithia Springs chiropractor has proven to be very beneficial for those with IBS.  In fact, studies that have been conducted have shown positive results for those suffering from IBS.  In one study, a 32-year-old woman presented with IBS, as well as depression and anxiety.  She had suffered from these symptoms for over 10 years. After just one chiropractic adjustment, she experienced a regular bowel movement, and after being under consistent chiropractic care, she experienced relief from all symptoms of IBS as well as a significant decrease [...]

Experience Neck Pain Relief with Chiropractic

Neck pain is a common complaint across the nation that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives.  It is also a chief reason for beginning chiropractic care, as chiropractic adjustments often bring about relief. A gentle adjustment from Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar can offer relief from minor neck pain to severe, intense neck pain.  Whatever type of pain you are experiencing, don’t let it affect your day-to-day life any longer. Causes of Neck Pain Poor posture is one of the primary causes of neck pain. Forward head posture puts added pressure on the neck, which can lead to stress and muscle strain. In fact, for every inch your neck moves forward, it can add up to 10 pounds of pressure to the neck as these muscles must work hard to keep the head from dropping to the chest. Those who sit in an office are much more likely to experience neck pain.  “Tech neck” is a common occurrence among office workers or those who use significant amounts of technology such as tablets or smartphones.  Tech neck occurs when the overuse of technology causes a head to be farther forward on the neck than normal, with [...]

Chiropractic Care Can Help You Overcome Addiction

Addiction is a very serious problem that is unfortunately becoming more and more common across the U.S.  In fact, over 20 million people in the U.S. could benefit from treatment methods to help combat addictions.  The cycle of addiction can affect job performance, destroy families, and ruin lives.  Furthermore, addiction can lead to even more problems such as convictions or jail time.  It is estimated that 80% of crimes committed are somehow related to substance abuse.  If you or someone you love has an addiction problem, it is crucial to get help before the situation spirals out of control.  Fortunately, a Lithia Springs chiropractor can help. Addiction Treatment Methods When faced with addiction, many will turn to a variety of methods to cope.  Rehabilitation facilities can help people get clean and teach them skills for staying sober.  Counseling sessions and group therapy are also methods for treating addiction.  If these don’t work or if they aren’t enough on their own, sometimes people will turn to medications.  This may not be the best option as medications come with potentially harmful side effects.  Additionally, some will argue that giving medicine to those who already struggle with substance abuse will do more harm [...]

Chiropractic Care for Multiple Sclerosis

The central nervous system is responsible for controlling all of our body’s movements, processes, and functions. It plays a part in our muscle function, digestive health, and even optic nerve function.  For this reason, if there is a problem within our body, it can usually be traced back to the central nervous system.  Multiple Sclerosis is no different.  Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is a disease that affects the central nervous system itself. Because the entire nervous system is so interconnected to other parts of the body, MS compromises many of our body’s other systems as well.  For example, those with MS develop muscle weakness and usually have trouble walking over time. They may also complain of blurry vision, numbness of the limbs, muscle spasms, or even loss of bladder control.  But MS doesn’t have to take over your life. Trust that you can continue to live life to the fullest even after an MS diagnosis. Begin with a visit to Lithia Springs Chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar. He and his team will complete a full neurological assessment and he will provide gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments to trouble areas to improve your overall body function and reduce the severity and onset of [...]

Pinched Nerve Pain: Find Relief with Chiropractic

Did you wake up this morning with a terrible pain in your back? Do you feel like you pulled something while moving a certain way or playing a sport? The pain you may be experiencing could be a pinched nerve. There are several things that may cause a pinched nerve, though the reason they occur is mainly because of a subluxation, or misalignment of the spine. A pinched nerve is simply a nerve that is being compressed in an unnatural way. This can occur after an intense workout, from bad posture, or just by reaching for something that misaligns the spine, causing the compressed nerve and a whole lot of pain, tingling, or numbness. Pinched nerves can also cause a few other symptoms. A pinched nerve can be debilitating and many people that experience this pain cannot function properly in their day-to-day life; it can make driving to work or school nearly impossible, and sometimes the only way of finding comfort is lying on your bed with a hot or cold pack, but you can’t really get a whole lot done or enjoy your life by doing that constantly. What Should I Do About It? The pain caused by a [...]

Chiropractic and Carpal Tunnel

Have you experienced numbness and tingling in the arm or wrist?  Do you feel weak when you try to write or type? Do you have trouble doing normal tasks that involve using your arm and wrist?  You may be experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel.  Carpal tunnel is usually caused by repetitive movement of the arm, wrist, and hand, such as typing, repeated use of power tools, or repeatedly overextending the wrist such as when playing the piano.  This repeated movement or overextension leads to swelling or inflammation in the wrist, with in turn leads to carpal tunnel syndrome.  This can be an annoyance that affects your job performance or ability to enjoy your hobbies.  Thankfully, a visit to a Lithia Springs chiropractor can be the answer you are looking for to find relief from carpal tunnel symptoms. Why Do I Have Carpal Tunnel? The main cause of carpal tunnel lies within the median nerve.  This nerve runs from your hand all the way up the arm.  It goes through the wrist at an area called the carpal tunnel, which is the affected area for this syndrome. Swelling in this area leads to nerve interference that prevents proper communication along the median [...]

Is Chiropractic Care Better Than Drugs for Headache Pain?

While back pain is a great reason to visit a Lithia Spring chiropractor, headaches are also a big reason that a lot of people first visit a chiropractor. In fact, 90 % of Americans have complaints of frequent headaches.  While most headaches are minor and not always a reason for concern, they can be annoying and affect everyday life.  When a headache begins, many people turn to medication to alleviate headache pain.  But is that really the best option? Medication Only Masks Symptoms The dull or sharp pain that accompanies a headache can be frustrating and painful; however, medication is not always the best option to treat headache pain.  Prescription medication only acts like a band-aid, masking symptoms for a little while, and symptoms usually return once the medication has worn off.  Additionally, medications can come with the risk of potentially harmful side effects.  So while medication might take the edge off initially, the long-term risks can outweigh the short-term reward. Chiropractic Is a Safe Alternative to Medication For a safe and natural way to effectively treat headache pain, turn to Lithia Springs chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Bolar. Headaches can be caused by tension or pressure in the back and neck. Spinal [...]

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Pain

Every year, many people find themselves involved in auto accidents.  Thankfully, most accidents are minor fender benders, but even though you think everything is fine, you may actually have an injury to the spine or neck. The sudden impact of any auto accident, no matter how minor, is enough to cause injury.  You may be oblivious to the effects of an auto accident as pain is usually the last symptom to manifest itself.  However, if these issues are not dealt with in a timely manner, they could lead to more serious chronic back or neck pain later on, in addition to a slew of other issues.  To avoid recurring problems from auto accident injuries, visit a Lithia Springs chiropractor for examination after any fender bender, no matter how minor it seemed. Common Injuries from an Auto Accident One of the most common complaints after an auto accident is neck and back pain caused by the sudden forward motion of the neck during an accident.  Out of the 6 million auto accidents that occur each year, rear-end crashes are the most common, and all of these lead to some form of forcing the head forward and then slamming it back, causing [...]

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